Seeking Members For Our Environmental Justice Advisory Board

We are proud to announce the creation of an Environmental Justice Advisory Board (the Board) to advise the Multistate Trust on environmental justice matters and recommend strategies for remediating Multistate Trust sites situated in communities with environmental justice concerns. The Board will also recommend ways to expand and improve the Multistate Trust’s existing environmental justice programs, provide guidance on improving communications and strengthening partnerships with community stakeholders, and suggest options for site reuses consistent with community needs and objectives. The Board’s charter, which will govern the Board’s mission and operations, can be viewed here

The Multistate Trust is currently seeking nine diverse individuals who have experience working on environmental justice matters or with environmental justice communities to serve as Board members. Board members will be expected to contribute their ideas, experience, and expertise to improve Multistate Trust programs. The Multistate Trust expects that the Board will meet quarterly, either virtually or in person depending on circumstances and budget. A modest stipend will be offered to Board members for their time and participation. 

If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact the Multistate Trust’s Director of Environmental Justice Policies and Programs Claire Woods at