“They [Greenfield] have helped to attract millions of dollars in private sector investment into the redevelopment and, more importantly, will help heal a community by a commitment to overcome the stigma of Woburn's past, and by providing an environmentally safe and vital place to live and work. It is finally time to close a terrible chapter on a legacy of pollution, pain and loss and to open a new one of hope. We will never forget the tragedy nor those who have suffered, but we will forever honor their memory. The remediation and redevelopment of the Industri-plex site and the naming of the Regional Transportation Center, after my family, in honor of my son, helps to do just that.”
Anne Anderson, mother of Jimmy Anderson
Woburn, Massachusetts
“To the optimist the future was exceedingly bleak. Talk about the Phoenix rising from the ashes! If there is a stronger case for the resurrection, apart from the eye witness accounts of the Apostles, I know of none. The efforts and accomplishments of [Greenfield] were nothing short of miraculous. . . . I believe presenting the Phoenix Award to those who transformed the Industri-plex 128 site will stand as a beacon of hope and offer a blueprint of management excellence to those who look at brownfields and ask, ‘How can we ever remediate this site? It is so large and complex.’ The answer—the model—is found at Industri-plex 128.”
the Reverend Bruce Young
Retired Rector, Trinity Episcopal ChurcH
Woburn, Massachusetts
“Ms. Brooks [Greenfield President] conducted herself with the utmost professionalism and carried out her duties with the highest degree of competence. I recommend Ms. Brooks without qualification for any similar task or appointment in matters related to RCRA or any other environmental statute.”
Environment and Natural Resources Division
U.S. Department of Justice
“Without Greenfield’s expertise, creativity, professionalism and commitment to solving a host of seemingly insurmountable roadblocks, the City of Plainview would be forced to think very differently about its future and, indeed, its existence. . . . Greenfield definitely knows how to get the job done. Its high value-added strategic and hands-on work is clearly the hallmark of the company.”
The City of Plainview, ArkansaS
“The current state of reclaiming our clean air, water and soils has been a huge undertaking. . . . Today, much has changed for the better in East Helena under the direction of the Montana Environmental Trust Group [Greenfield]. . . . I wish to express my support for keeping the cleanup moving forward in a positive direction of cooperation. The creek realignment and CAMU construction have shown great progress toward revitalization of our town. . . . METG [Greenfield has] . . . been working in a positive and productive manner to make monumental strides to create a healthful living area in our community . . . [and Greenfield’s] continued work . . . will assist our community in becoming a healthy place for our parents to raise their children.”
Superintendent, East Helena Public Schools
East Helena, Montana
“The United States, by the U.S. Department of Justice, on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI), hereby confirms that it supports reappointment [of Greenfield] as Trustee of the [Montana Environmental] Custodial Trust. . . .
EPA reports that the Trustee has fulfilled its obligations to undertake environmental actions that yield important environmental benefits at a reasonable cost at East Helena. . . . EPA further reports that throughout the RCRA Corrective Action cleanup process, the Trustee has operated in an open, transparent and professional manner with the Beneficiaries, Stakeholders and the Community of East Helena. The Trustee has facilitated over 55 public meetings, workshops, open houses and formal presentations to ensure open dialogue and public understanding of the proposed site remedies.
The United States appreciates and would like to acknowledge the tremendous amount of work the Trustee [Greenfield] has accomplished since December 2009 . . . as Trustee of the [Montana Environmental] Custodial Trust.”
Chief, Environmental Enforcement section,
Environment and natural resources Division,
U.S. Department of Justice
“The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation “appreciates the efforts of the Montana Environmental Trust Group [Greenfield] . . . in responding to the contaminated site” in East Helena, Montana.
Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
“This letter comes as a commendation . . . as well as to thank the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Attorneys Office for their selection of the Greenfield Trust as the administrator of the former Kerr-McGee Wood Treatment Facility. This selection has proven to be an excellent choice for the Memphistown stakeholders. . . . This maybe the first time in the history of the City of Columbus, MS that minority-owned firms have been allowed the opportunity to participate in a private sector contract of this magnitude.”
Memphistown Community Action Group
columbus, mississippi
"Cindy, you [Greenfield] … have put together a model concept that residents in underserved communities have requested throughout the southeast. You should be proud of it and I can’t wait to showcase it. This is an excellent example of progress where the trust once again listened to the people most impacted and developed an approach that will ultimately improve the community and provide economic opportunity locally. When you develop a model that is creative, cost effective, has community input and support and you hit the sweet spot, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. This is certainly a model that can be implemented anywhere. CONGRATULATIONS AND JOB WELL DONE!”
superfund division director
U.s. environmental protection agency
REGION 4, atlanta, georgia
“The Greenfield crew at the WTP in Lincoln, Montana has successfully met… the final limits, and is continually working to improve plant operations, maximize effectiveness, and save money.”
Montana Department of Environmental Quality
“My name is Kate Probst, and I am an independent consultant. For over 20 years, I have worked as a researcher and policy analyst evaluating the Superfund program and making recommendations for improvement. I was the sole author of the recently released report Superfund 2017: Cleanup Accomplishments and the Challenges Ahead, an independent report commissioned by the American Council of Engineering Companies. I was also the lead author and project director of the 2001 Report to Congress Superfund’s Future: What Will It Cost? which was published by Resources for the Future (RFF), a Washington, DC think tank where I was a Senior Fellow for many years. The conclusions, recommendations, and opinions in my testimony today are mine and mine alone, and do not represent any other person or organization. . . . before initiating myriad outreach, training and other reuse programs it is important to get at least a ballpark estimate of the number of NPL sites that are, in fact, good candidates for redevelopment. While some NPL sites may well be ripe for redevelopment, many – I would suspect most – are not. From talking to various experts in the field, my guess is at most 10-20% of NPL sites would fall into this category. The investment of scarce EPA resources to this goal should be commensurate with number of sites which have reuse and redevelopment potential. Many of the recommendations in the Task Force report put the cart before the horse. . . .Identifying those sites that are “ripe for redevelopment” is not an area of EPA expertise. I would recommend the Agency bring in organizations, such as the Greenfield Environmental Trust Group, the Racer Trust and others that have experience developing contaminated properties, and contract with them to conduct an initial assessment of site reuse potential of NPL sites and develop an initial inventory of sites where the property is inherently valuable and attractive for development. Only once this inventory is developed does it make sense to consider implementation of the many recommendations in the Task Force report. As a side note, many NPL sites do, in fact, have ongoing operations on site. It is a misnomer (and not in the statute) to say that NPL sites are abandoned hazardous waste sites; they are not necessarily abandoned (though some may be), and they are not necessarily hazardous waste sites (though some may be)."
Katherine N. Probst
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
Subcommittee on Superfund, Waste Management, and Regulatory Oversight
Copyright © Greenfield Environmental Trust Group, Inc. 2025