IMMEDIATE RELEASE: EPA and METG to Hold Virtual Public Meeting about Former ASARCO East Helena Smelter Facility, Dec. 8
On-site overland conveyor for the unfumed slag reprocessing project at the former ASARCO East Helena Smelter Facility.
East Helena, MT (December 2, 2021) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Montana Environmental Trust Group (METG), Trustee of the Montana Environmental Custodial Trust, will host a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 to update the community on cleanup and redevelopment progress at the former ASARCO East Helena Smelter Facility.
The meeting will provide the public with an important opportunity to hear updates and ask questions about improvements in groundwater quality, water infrastructure projects, remediation and restoration of areas along Prickly Pear Creek, the East Helena slag removal project, and property development activities.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Montana Environmental Trust Group, LLC (METG), Trustee of the Montana Environmental Custodial Trust (the Custodial Trust)
Wednesday, December 8, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mountain Time
Due to COVID-19, the meeting will be held virtually on Zoom and by phone.
Join Online:
Use this Zoom link
or enter into your browser
Join by Phone:
Call 646-876-9923
Enter meeting ID 816 5567 5621# and passcode 781655#
Please see the notice linked here for more information on joining the virtual meeting.
For More Information
The METG website
About the Montana Environmental Trust Group
The Montana Environmental Trust Group, LLC (METG) is trustee of the Montana Environmental Custodial Trust (the Custodial Trust), which was established in 2009 as part of the global ASARCO bankruptcy settlement.
METG, as trustee of the Custodial Trust, has responsibility for owning, administering and remediating two federal and two state hazardous waste sites in Montana: the 2,000-acre East Helena RCRA Corrective Action and Superfund Site as well as mine-scarred lands at the Upper Blackfoot Mining Complex/Mike Horse Mine, the Black Pine Mine and the Iron Mountain/Flat Creek mining area. In 2009, the Custodial Trust received $138 million to remediate and facilitate reuse of the four Montana sites that were previously owned by ASARCO. The Custodial Trust has been managing remedial actions that have included construction of a sustainable cover system—the largest of its type in the country—and excavation of tons of contaminated material, as well as relocation of Prickly Pear Creek.
The Custodial Trust’s primary role is to protect human health and the environment in partnership with its beneficiaries—the United States (acting through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Department of Interior) and the State of Montana (acting through the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and the Montana Department of Justice, Natural Resource Damage Program)—and with community stakeholders.
Greenfield Environmental Trust Group, Inc. is the parent company of METG.
Media Contact: Christine Amrhine, Montana Environmental Trust Group, LLC (METG), Trustee of the Montana Environmental Custodial Trust (Custodial Trust), 540-846-3163,