Town hall meeting held to discuss update on old Kerr-McGee Site

Excerpt from WCBI, April 22, 2019. Read full story and watch video here.

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- The progress on cleanup and remediation at the Old Kerr McGee Site were two hot topics during a town hall meeting Monday night in Columbus.

The Multistate Environmental Response Trust gave residents an update about what’s going on at the site.

They’re currently working in the Pine Yard, which is the northern part of the site.

So far, they’ve cleaned up nearly 50 thousand tons of creosote contaminated soil from the area.

The Multistate Trust is also doing investigations of properties around the site.

The group said for the most part, they haven’t found any contamination present that’s above the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) conservative action level.

Anna Novikova